Finally, I needed to use the latest version of Java but Flex Builder still needs to run on the 1.5 JDK. For this I went through Finder to edit
/Applications/Adobe Flex Builder3/Flex
From here just add these lines to the top of this file so you can use the right version of Java:
-Xdock:name=Flex Builder
Now when Flex Builder starts it will use the right version of Java. Go back into Java Preferences and move Java SE 6 back to the top of the list if that is what you want.
Flex again? I thought someone determined for us that this was the biggest mistake ever.... ;)
Changing the actual CurrentJDK to 1.5 did the trick for me !
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
sudo ln -fhsv 1.5 CurrentJDK
worked for me !
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