Sunday, February 1, 2009

Flex 3 Builder on Mac OSX

I ran into problems installing the Flex 3 Builder Professional edition on my Mac. This was because my current version of Java was set to 1.6.0. Before you install make sure you go in your Java Preferences (from spotlight) and make sure your Java application setting is J2SE 5.0 32 Bit by dragging it to the top of the list (temporarily). Then install Flex Builder 3 from the DMG file. You will not encounter any errors in the installation.

Finally, I needed to use the latest version of Java but Flex Builder still needs to run on the 1.5 JDK. For this I went through Finder to edit

/Applications/Adobe Flex Builder3/Flex

From here just add these lines to the top of this file so you can use the right version of Java:


-Xdock:name=Flex Builder

Now when Flex Builder starts it will use the right version of Java. Go back into Java Preferences and move Java SE 6 back to the top of the list if that is what you want.


Anonymous said...

Flex again? I thought someone determined for us that this was the biggest mistake ever.... ;)


stephan said...

Changing the actual CurrentJDK to 1.5 did the trick for me !

cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions

sudo ln -fhsv 1.5 CurrentJDK

worked for me !