Monday, September 8, 2008

Generating GORM Domain Classes

I am on a project that already had a legacy database in place with about 100 tables. I did not want to create my GORM domain classes manually for my Grails project. I am surprised that I did not find any existing code to handle this code generation so I created a Groovy script to handle this. I am sure this code could use some improvements such as handling more SQL types so I will just call it a 0.1 release because it does what I needed for now. Modify the sql varible so it has the right database connection information. Also, modify the tables hash so you can control which domain classes to generate based on a [tableName:className] structure.

   1  import groovy.sql.Sql
2 import java.sql.Types
4 sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pts_development",
5 "root",
6 "password",
7 "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
9 // tables hash format => table : className
10 tables = ['PTS_REG_DTL':'Detail','PTS_REG_MST':'Master']
11 tables.each { table, className ->
12 File file = new File("${className}.groovy")
13 sb = new StringBuilder()
15 fieldNames = []
16 fieldTypes = []
18 query = "select * from ${table}"
19 sql.query(query.toString()){ rs ->
21 sb << "class ${className} {\n"
23 def meta = rs.metaData
24 if(meta.columnCount <=0) return
26 for(i in 1..meta.columnCount){
28 fieldName = meta.getColumnName(i).toLowerCase().replaceAll(/_[\w]/,{ it[1].toUpperCase()})
29 fieldNames << fieldName
30 fieldType = ""
32 switch(meta.getColumnType(i)) {
33 case Types.BIGINT:
34 fieldType = "Long"
35 break
36 case [Types.BINARY, Types.BIT, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.SMALLINT]:
37 fieldType = "Boolean"
38 break
39 case [Types.CHAR, Types.VARCHAR]:
40 fieldType = "String"
41 break
42 case [Types.DATE, Types.TIMESTAMP]:
43 fieldType = "Date"
44 break
45 case [Types.DECIMAL, Types.FLOAT]:
46 fieldType = "Decimal"
47 break
48 case [Types.INTEGER, Types.NUMERIC]:
49 fieldType = "Integer"
50 break
51 default:
52 fieldType = "Object"
53 }
54 fieldTypes << fieldType
55 sb << "\t${fieldType} ${fieldName}\n"
56 }
58 // Print out the table mappings
59 sb << "\tstatic mapping = {\n"
60 sb << "\t\ttable '${table.toString()}'\n"
62 for(j in 1..meta.columnCount) {
63 sb << "\t\t${fieldNames[j-1]} column:'${meta.getColumnName(j)}'\n"
64 }
65 sb << "\t}\n"
67 // Print out the table constraints
68 sb << "\tstatic constraints = {\n"
70 for(k in 1..meta.columnCount) {
71 sb << "\t\t${fieldNames[k-1]}("
72 sb << "nullable:${meta.isNullable(k) ? 'true': 'false'}"
74 if(fieldTypes[k] == 'String') {
75 sb << ", maxSize:${meta.getColumnDisplaySize(k)}"
76 }
77 sb << ")\n"
78 }
79 sb << "\t }\n"
80 sb << "}\n"
81 }
82 file.write(sb.toString())
83 }

This code will generate a separate file for each domain class you specified in the tables hash in the current directory. Just make sure you have your database jar file in your classpath. Here is how you could run this code from the command line:

groovy -cp .:/Users/meagle/java/api/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar GormGenerator.groovy


Unknown said...

Just what I needed... thanks!

Nathan said...

Hey, this is great. Just what I needed as well!